Leuvense Universitaire Alpinisten Klub ⛰️ Alpine club in leuven for outdoors lovers from beginners to more seasoned climbers 🧗

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A new semester with a whole bunch of new activities!

Helloooww everyone

A new semester has started, this means a lot of new activities! The LUAK clubhouse is open again every Thursday starting from 20h30, you can pass by to make climbing plans for the weekend, take a drink or borrow gear.

Make sure to check out all our activities on the calendar!

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Black Diamond Sling Replacement Order: ON HOLD

Press the read more button to lean more!.

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Start Academic year 24-25

helloooww luak people and interested people ✌️

The new academic year is closing in and with that also the start of a new luak year. This means of course new initiations, info evenings, lots of climbing and lots of fun.

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