Become a member

🗒️ Want to know what the LUAK is all about and register?

Every year during October we organize info nights to explain and show everything the LUAK does. (Check the news section or our socials to stay up to date)

A perfect night to become a member, pass by to learn more!

  1. Make an account on the website through the signup page (if you don't have one already)
  2. Create and pay your membership for this year on the membership page
  3. Pass by the LUAK on a thursday night to get your membership card (grants you the Kariboe discount. Supporting members do not get the membership card!)

Having some trouble or questions? contact us at or pass by the clubhouse on a Thursday night after 20h30.

🧑‍🦰 What's the advantage of becoming a member?

  • Meet other people passionate about climbing
  • Learn to climb outdoors in an informal way through our (free) initiations or by climbing together with any of the experienced members
  • Get together every week and discuss your latest ascents over a cheap but delicious beer
  • Need a climbing partner? Easier than ever
  • Rent climbing gear from us.
  • Get access to the member section of the website, which includes the (in)famous stories and lots more (to come 😉)
  • Join us on our trips to Fontainebleau, the Alps...
  • Get a 20% discount at the best outdoor shop around: Kariboe

🤑 Expensive? of course not!

Membership costs only 20€ per year. Which gives you access to the gear rental, our activities and the Kariboe discount. If you're also a member of the KBF (Klimbergsportfederatie) and you chose luak as your main club. you'll get a 5€ discount on your membership.

⛰️ Can I climb Belgian rock now?

Not just yet. To climb Belgian rock, joining LUAK is not enough. You'll have to become a member of the KBF to be allowed to do so. If you become KBF member you'll have to select a club. If you chose LUAK in that list you'll receive 5€ discount on your membership. Visit their website at:

More information...

More information can be found in this presentation, This is the information that is being shown on the info evenings